Im back

Well, i haven't updated since 2008 and today is the day.  A few things have changed since 2008 and here are a few of them:
1. I am living in my own 1 - bedroom apartment.  Its pretty tiny but its all mine and I dont have to worry about crazy rumskamarater ;p

Not sure why this picture is sideways, I rotated it, but this is the green!

2. I am now a Senior at Central Michigan University with a Major in Dietetics, and a double minor in Substance Abuse Education and Prevention and Psychology.  I am a student manager at a cafe called Java City.  I have one more year of my program, an internship, and my examination until I am a real R.D. :)

3. I am still in love and happy with Jordan.  We've been together for over 3 1/2 years and spend most of our time together.  Hes here at CMU, a junior, studying information technology and industrial engineering.  And we ar both looking forward to spending a relaxing christmas break in Frankfort!
(jordan, missy, moster kathy)

4. I have a kitten, well, hes not even 6 months, but is sooo big! He was a runt when we got him, and now hes just huge! Leo stayed inside the house with us for a few weeks in the summer, but then he started gettting wild and biting toes and putting holes in the couch.  So then he moved out to the porch so he can go run outside when he wannts and we bring him in every night.  He likes getting in really small places and boxes.  His new favorite thing is rubber bands ( like he's carrying around in the picture)

Well thats all the updating I have time to do tonight.  I have 2 assignments to do, a quiz on thursday to study for, and a Biochem exam on Friday.
God natt allihoopa, kanse nasta gang ska jag skriva pa svenska, skulle vara bra att ovna lite...;p
God natt!

Postat av: Jessie

Hej Missy!

Vad kul att du har börjat blogga igen. :)

2010-11-30 @ 13:13:28

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